There are five things to know about home inspections if you’re thinking about purchasing a home or possibly selling a home. Potential buyers will want to get the home inspected to find out what the hidden problems that need fixing are. Potential sellers may want to get their home inspected to find out if there are any major unknown problems. Getting the home inspected to identify these problems is crucial to ensure everyone has the knowledge needed to either cancel a deal or move forward requesting repairs.
Five Things to Know About Home Inspections:
Home inspections don’t identify cosmetic flaws. They identify safety, operational and structural concerns.
Usually the inspector will meet with the client at the conclusion of his inspection. At this time, he will go through all of his findings. Most inspectors will take pictures and provide a narrative of the discrepancy for the formal report. They will also walk you through the home showing you exactly where the problem area is and point out the reported item. They usually will not point out cosmetic flaws unless it’s a safety or structural concern.
Choosing your home inspector
The client chooses the home inspector. Whether you are the buyer or seller requesting the inspection, you get to choose whomever you want for the inspection. Certainly your Realtor can recommend inspectors, but you have the final say on who you want to conduct it. You can also independently research for them and utilize one of your choosing. The American Society of Home Inspectors (ASHI) requires completion of the training program, passing the test and complying with the code of ethics.
Home inspectors comply with the code of ethics
Inspectors work for the hiring party and are bound by the code of ethics. So even if you negotiated for the seller to pay for the inspection, the inspector still works for you. You are the hiring party. What this means is, although the seller is paying for the inspection, they can’t influence the results of findings. The code of ethics does not allow for the inspector to alter the inspection results if their fee is contingent on untruthful findings. They are to remain an independent third-party.
Inspection results contain basic findings
No home is perfect and even the best maintained home will usually have numerous discrepancies. Hundreds of items are inspected during their evaluation of the electrical, plumbing, roof, structural, interior and exterior. Your report will contain what the discrepancy is. It generally will not contain a long narrative on the condition or appropriate action other than “repair or replace” the item. In some cases, you may need to have a licensed professional also evaluate the item in the cases like air conditioning for example before you submit any request for repairs.
Inspectors aren’t liable for the status of the home
In rare circumstances, an expensive problem may arise after the sale of your home. Double check to ensure the home inspection covered the area of concern. This usually occurs in an area of the home that the inspector does not cover. It may be something going on in between the walls or under flooring for example. That’s why its important to know the five things about home inspections.
The Bottom Line
Overall the home inspection is a tool for one to decide if the home is in a tolerable state. It also will identify any “big ticket” items that need servicing. The buyers can always try to negotiate repairs or a better price with the seller during their inspection period. The buyer will have a much better understanding of the cost for needed repairs after a home inspection. With being reasonably priced, home inspections should never be overlooked. The times when potential clients waive an inspection are usually when the most problems existed. A home inspection can definitely save you money in the big picture. A repair is generally cheaper than replacement. A five things to know about home inspections is the best way to evaluate the condition of the home and help people make the best decision possible on the biggest purchase of their life.
If you would like more information on things to know about home inspections, the home buying process, or selling your home, contact the Ewenrealestate team today.